Sunday, December 11, 2011

TREADMOVES - Extreme Moves DVD

TREADMOVES - Extreme Moves DVD

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TREADMOVES - Extreme Moves DVD

TREADMOVES - Extreme Moves DVD
Extreme Moves is a 45-minute aerobics class for your treadmill that's packed with challenging aerobic moves & combinations.Extreme Moves uses high-intensity plyo-metrics to create one-minute intervals that will have your heart and mind racing!Using your treadmill & resistance bands, Extreme Moves completes your total body workout with upper body exercises, abdominal exercises, and light stretching45 mins.

TREADMOVES - Extreme Moves DVD

  • designed to keep you entertained and motivated while your entire body gets a workout
  • work all of your muscle groups
  • improve your muscle tone and burn more fat than regular treadmill workouts
  • meets the needs of ALL exercisers by demonstrating three levels - beginner, intermediate and advanced
  • By altering your speed and incline, you can control the intensity of your workout

TREADMOVES - Extreme Moves DVD

Available Now : Check Price Now!

TREADMOVES - Extreme Moves DVD
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 11, 2011 13:53:30 ***